Friday, April 15, 2011

Just Another Day

Today's the day . . . my birthday. It's also Tax Day (and my hubby's a CPA). It's also the final Friday of school before my kiddos have a week of vacation.

This morning I couldn't decide whether to pack up Moose and trot from store to store (which is a rarity) or to let him take his nap and I nap too.

And since it's my birthday, I decided to curl up with KiKi (my Kindle) and read from "The Count of Monte Cristo" until I fell asleep.

It was bliss. At least until my phone alarm sounded the time to pick up Fritz from Kindergarten.

But for those few minutes - BLISS!

I've been spending the rest of my day contemplating the many blessings that arose during the last year. We have had some heartache, but so many joyful gifts from God. We've not only seen, but experienced answered prayer. We've watched the Lord turn disappointment into JOY in our lives. We've witnessed salvation and spiritual growth in our children and ourselves. We've observed the Lord do things for His glory, therefore for our best good.

And it's a good place to be.

So this year I don't feel old and decrepit (as some may think I should). This year I feel FULL!

I was also challenged and blessed by Miss Edie's post today at Life in Grace. Here it is. Praying for you and your family, Edie!

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