Thursday, December 16, 2010

To Be or Not To Be

Thirteen months ago I started a journal. On ipages. Just for me. It had a few pictures scattered about and was an attempt at documenting interesting tidbits about our life. In those thirteen months I've written ten entries.

So obviously, I feel ready to start a blog.

10. That's pathetic. See, I'm switching from text to numerals. Ten. 10. X. Is that allowed?

My journal didn't have any problems with me switching things around at leisure. My journal let me be a hokey-pokey dabbler of entries and language mishaps.

Do you allow that, Blog? 

I'm nervous.

I rarely update my facebook status.

This may very well be the only entry on my blog. Ever.

Once started, can these things be deleted?

My goal is 2 followers and I'm giving myself 13 months to collect them.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am helping you be half-way to your goal. :) I have been blogging for two years and only have 12 followers, so I think you will have no problem reaching your goal! So excited to read your blog!
