Thursday, January 27, 2011

Photo Friday

It's cold. And dreary. And lonely.

Did I mention that it's cold?

Brrrrrrr. I'm ready for spring.

So to honor the memory of warmth and sunshine I give you my version of spring blossoms.

May your day be filled with vibrant color and innocent laughter.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Amazing Grace(n)

Don't you just love to watch people experience joy?

Isn't it the best when those people are cherished family?

There's a new little bundle of joy in our extended family.

Baby Gracen. And she's captured my heart completely. Totally. I am befuddled with love.

Who wouldn't be? She is perfect.

It's just so nice to watch those you love create little bundles of joy. And to watch those you love become parents. It changes everything. And nothing. It makes me feel old. And young.

But mostly, it makes me love my family even more.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


We had a breakthrough this summer. My mother's dear sister and I talked my mother into getting her ears pierced!

You don't understand. My mother inadvertently instilled an obsessive behavior in me.

For over 30 years I have been unable to pass a rotating earring rack without twirling it to see if there are any clip earrings residing there. Not for me. No, I have my ears pierced.

It's for my mother. And it's bad. She has the largest collection of clip earrings east of the Mississippi. She must, as I've only ever found 1 or 2 pair in a single mall at any given time.

I've begged. And cajoled. And made vast promises and a nuisance of myself. All in vain.

Enter: Aunt Sandy.

Seems mother couldn't take it from the both of us. After all, Aunt Sandy has her ears pierced and Aunt Sandy's sweet mother-in-law got hers pierced long after SHE was a grandmother.

So when my mom wanted to take Snickle to get her ears pierced for her birthday, the stars aligned.

Snickle didn't disappoint. Ear 1 went without a hitch.

Ear 2 almost didn't happen.

But we're glad it did. At least we were for the first couple of months. We turned the earrings and applied special ointment and took a trip to Claire's and on and on.

However, it seems The Changing of the Earrings caused consternation and we were left earringless for a day or so. Somehow in that 30-hour timeframe Ear 2 decided to close.

Unfortunately, there was no going back without causing excruciating pain. I knew it wouldn't happen. Snickle had developed a well-honed earlobe protection instinct.

We're back to square 1 with Snickle. Naked ears. But mom has found a new lease on jewelry possibilities (Although she won't let me get rid of all the clips. Maybe next time Aunt Sandy is in town . . .)

At least I don't have to twirl earring racks anymore.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Photo Phriday

In honor of today's Phamily Portrait with ____________, I'll institute Photo Phriday by posting a Phavorite Photo.

This is the only outlet in my life where I get to choose what I do. Can you tell?

Here's the Phirst Photo. (I promise I'll stop doing that next Phriday).

Why must they grow up?